Define cost-benefit analysis and do library research

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Reference no: EM131837686

Answer each question separately do not answer together

Question 1

Milakovich and Gordon identify many of the challenges decision-makers in the public realm confront. Identify some of these challenges/pressures - particularly those that seem relevant to the emergency management community.

What, if anything, can we do to "cope" with these matters? (As always, I encourage the use of real-world examples in the discussion threads.)

Question 2 (Google Sebring County case study)

Your response to the question below should be at least one brief paragraph.

Identify from our Week 3 readings several major concerns or considerations in decision-making. After reviewing the Sebring County case study, note and explain whether and how those considerations might be relevant to the Sebring County situation.

Question 3

Your response to the question below should be at least one brief paragraph.

Define cost-benefit analysis and do library or Internet research to provide a real-world example. Include a reference or a link for information on your example.

Question 4

Write short answers (at least one brief paragraph) for each of these questions:

Consider the fact that good decision-making requires accurate and up-to-date information.

a.) Select one of the decision-making models in Chapter 5 and explain how useful or relevant it would be in a crisis. (At least one paragraph)

b.) Identify at least three factors that may be different in crisis decision making than decision making on a "blue sky" day. (At least one paragraph)

Question 5

Write a brief essay (200-250 words) for question 4.

In a brief essay (200-250 words) discuss how and why executive branch power seems to increase after an emergency or crisis. Reference at least one real-world example (at any level of government) and note whether the increased power seems to have waned or continued over time. Provide in-text reference citations and a reference list in APA Style.

Reference no: EM131837686

Questions Cloud

Expansion project that requires initial fixed asset : Down Under Boomerang, Inc., is considering a new three-year expansion project that requires an initial fixed asset investment of $2.67 million.
Real exchange rate of euros to the dollar : Suppose that Australia's price level is 140, the Euro price level is 100, and the nominal exchange rate of pounds to the dollar
Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables : Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables. State the estimated regression equation and interpret the meaning of the slope coefficient.
Main effects of immigrant worker on us economy : What are the three main effects of immigrant worker on US economy? (Both positive and negative)
Define cost-benefit analysis and do library research : Define cost-benefit analysis and do library or Internet research to provide a real-world example. Include a reference or a link for information on your example.
Search for additional funds to the government : As Lord Commander of the Kings Guard under King Joffrey Barathon, Jaime was paid a a large weekly salary and set his own hours.
Project total nominal cash flow from assets for each year : What is the project’s total nominal cash flow from assets for each year?
Economy consumer price index : Suppose the? economy's consumer price index? (CPI) in 2008 was 188 and the CPI in 2009 was 202.
Difference between liberal and lebertarian economists : What is the difference between liberal and lebertarian economists, from Micheal Yates book Naming the system inequality and work in the global economy


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