Dealing with any pushback jacobs might offer

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Reference no: EM132396372

Mary Jones was the CEO of the Richardson County Community Association (RCCA), a nonprofit with assets of $250 million and annual grants totaling $50 million to charitable organizations in Richardson County, Colorado. As CEO of RCCA, Jones engaged personally with over 250 donors per year. She described her job as primarily one of relationship management, and at times, those relationships could prove challenging. In the RCCA Vignettes, Jones's first difficult situation deals with her board member, David Jacobs, who recently assumed the role of board chair. Jacobs had begun to assign the RCCA staff his own small projects and, after making his "rounds," he would sit down in Jones's office, expecting her to drop whatever she was doing in order to interact with him. Jones would need to find a way to diplomatically yet effectively convey her feelings about Jacobs's behavior. In the second vignette, Jones receives a $1 million stock donation from an esteemed donor, Leo Farnand, who asks her to hold the stock until the recently-announced sale of his company is complete. Jones and the board agree to make an exception to the company policy given the size of the donation and hold the stock. However, after delays in the sale, Jones decides she must sell the stock against Farnand's wishes. The vignette ends with Jones preparing for what will undoubtedly be an unpleasant conversation with one of RCCA's largest donors.

Question: As Mary Jones, would you call Jacobs to set a meeting, or just plan to see him on his next regular visit? Why? Discuss the conversation when it might have occurred, including dealing with any pushback Jacobs might offer.

Question: Should Jones plan to consult her board prior to meeting with Farnand on December 10th? Defend your thinking.

Question: How would the conversation with Farnand have played out? Assume that Jones had apprised her board, which took no official action.

Reference no: EM132396372

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