Cyber security and accounting

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132391997

Task 1 - Cyber Security

Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster. Choose one such company and create a brief case study about it. Successful narratives will focus on the manner in which the organization was impacted, including financial losses, losses of sales, or the need for layoffs. Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.

Task 2 - Accounting

You were asked to find a publicly traded manufacturing company. For our week six discussion board post I would like you to select the same company. Go to their website and read about their products and operations. Then in your post list five costs that the company would incur. Explain what type of cost behavior you believe would be appropriate for each of these cost items. Please be sure to include a link to the company's website in your post.

APA format and References

Reference no: EM132391997

Questions Cloud

What are the different types of qualitative literature : For this assignment, you will do a review of different types of qualitative literature. Using the Hunt Library, find one "Scholarly & Peer Reviewed".
International automotive car maker company headquarter : An International automotive car maker company headquarter in the USA and has factories and supplier at offshore locations.
What is the strategic brands for general motor : What is the strategic brands for General Motor, including the current power brands, future power brands, and the linchpin brands?
What are some vertical brand portfolio strategies : What are some vertical brand portfolio strategies behind maintaining multiple competing brands within the same product line?
Cyber security and accounting : Cyber Security and Accounting. Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster.
Discuss problem related to regulated monopoly : Discussion Board - Regulated Monopoly, Research an organization or brand that you feel is a monopoly. Discuss the organization or brand giving your classmates.
Determining the wabash waste management : Wilson Puckett, president of Wabash Waste Management, had a stack of proposals on his desk from several truck companies. Two of the companies
Customer information used as a part of the pricing strategy : 1. Give two examples of brands where manufacturing costs are well below the selling price.
What is your general reaction to diane coyle comments : What is your general reaction to Diane Coyle's comments and the usefulness of GDP as a measure for comparing countries' progress/well-being?


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

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What criterion is used to classify a failure cost as internal versus external? Give three examples of an internal failure cost and three examples of an external failure cost.

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Describe a situation in which there could be a conflict of interest between an IT worker's self-interest and the interests of a client.

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Suppose that for the knapsack cryptosystem, the super-increasing knapsack is (3,5,12,23) with n=47 and m=6. a. Give the public and private keys. b. Encrypt the message M=1110 (given the binary). Give your result in decimal.

  Describe what you feel is a content delivery system

Describe  what you feel is a content delivery  system. find at least two examples of content      delivery  system on the internet and provide  URL  to these examples in your response to this      question.

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One of the values in a normal distribution is 43 and its z-score is 1.65. If the mean of the distribution is 40, what is the standard deviation?

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In what ways is the new tax code is a success, and in what ways is it a failure?

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what are some of the drawbacks in using passwords to limit access to a computer system?

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Consider the percentages for the named modalities. Do you see anything odd about them?

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Why is the tension between centralization and decentralization of R&D activities likely to be even greater for multinational firms than firms that compete

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What logic function is produced by adding an inverter to the output of an AND gate?

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