Critically evaluate epidemiological studies

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Reference no: EM132761893 , Length: word count:1500

PUBH6005 Epidemiology - Laureate International Universities

Supplementary Assessment : Critical Appraisal

Learning outcome 1: Understand the difference between association and causation, statistical and public health significance
Learning outcome 2:
Critically evaluate epidemiological studies, including potential for bias, confounding and chance errors

This assessment requires you to apply the knowledge and skills gained in all the modules to undertake a critical appraisal. You will need to appraise 3 different study designs of a topic as given OR choose a topic of your choice:
Diet/ Food and Prostate cancer risk
• Instructions for any option
• You can choose any population/country.
• You can also choose studies from different countries. For example case-control study from Asia and/ or cohort study from Europe.

STEPS for the Assessment

1. Search the library database to find three studies that answer your research question. All three studies must be of different study designs. For instance, you could include cross-sectional, case-control, cohort and RCTs. Systematic reviews and literature reviews are not allowed. These studies do not have to prove their hypothesis or agree with each other. Please note that marks will be deducted if all identified papers are of similar study.

2. Critically appraise all three articles you found. Your answers are to be written in the tables provided to you which was based on CASP checklist and other types of checklist (JBI checklist for cross-sectional study).

3. In the tables provided to you in the checklist on blackboard page of your class under Assessment 3, you are required to answer either "Yes", "No", "Unclear".

4. For each of the answer of "Yes", "No" or "Unclear", you will need to provide the "Evidence" that you found in the article to support your answers.

5. For each of the "Evidence", you will need to critically appraise stating your justification, compare and contrasting or/and providing solution.

References: You should include all the sources you have used within your text and organize them in your reference list according to APA 6th edition style. Remember to include the references for the Checklists as well.

Reference no: EM132761893

Questions Cloud

Identification of the cause of symptoms : Which of the following is most likely to provide rapid identification of the cause of her symptoms?
Time and money studying protozoa : Why do scientists as a group spend more time and money studying protozoa than they do studying algae? Describe the characteristics of each.
Opening statement of the research problem : Report on Literature Review - Draw the reader's attention to any contrasting views expressed in prior research in this area and give your view of how differing
Calculate the capital gain and the taxable capital gain : November 19, 2020, she has just sold 600 shares for a total of $723,000 ($1,205 each). Calculate the capital gain and the taxable capital gain.
Critically evaluate epidemiological studies : Critically evaluate epidemiological studies, including potential for bias, confounding and chance errors - undertake a critical appraisal.
Calculate the amount of differential cost : Wilson also incurred $10,000 of product-level costs to design the racket and $100,000 of facility-level costs. Calculate the amount of differential cost.
Find which statement about financial information are correct : Find which statements about financial information are correct? Information is only material if its omission or misstatement could influence decisions of users.
Distinguish between areobic bacteria faculatative bacteria : Describe an experiment that could distinguish between an areobic bacteria a faculatative bacteria and an anerobic one.
Disadvantages of the kirby bauer method : Describe two advantages of the Kirby Bauer antimicrobial susceptibility method over the Tube dilution method.


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