Creating presentation for business in your community

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Reference no: EM132388681

Write a 350- to 700-word essay reflecting on your experience of creating a presentation for a business in your community and a recovery plan for your city. How did the business recovery process differ from the municipal process in terms of the responsibilities of local, state, and federal government recovery operations?

In your essay, make comparisons between the business continuity process and government (local, state and/or federal) responsibilities in disaster recovery. Distinguish between the roles and responsibilities of private sector individuals, organizations, and insurance providers in recovery operations.

Include examples for each comparison.

Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the sources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style.

Reference no: EM132388681

Questions Cloud

Historic basis-rationale for legislation on sales of goods : The historic basis and rationale for legislation on sales of goods and services to business customers.
Describe how nonconsequential theory of ethics applies : Describe how nonconsequential theory of ethics applies in this case. What questions consequentialist might raise after reviewing facts of this case and why.
Predominantly the provision of services or the sale of goods : Is the transaction between Brandt and Health Center, predominantly the provision of services or the sale of goods? Please explain.
Governed by common law or uniform commercial code : Explain why this contract is governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
Creating presentation for business in your community : Essay reflecting on your experience of creating a presentation for a business in your community and a recovery plan for your city
Discuss the community policing philosophy : Discuss the community policing philosophy. consider the media's role in the event, the leadership of the department's role, and the community's role.
Summarize the ethical dilemma you encountered : Summarize the ethical dilemma you encountered in organization. Which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development is represented in your example?
Family violence and parental child abductions : Week reading provides overview pertaining to Court's, Prosecutor's and Law Enforcement's typical response to family violence and parental child abductions
What role do you think age plays in drug addiction : How do you think age impacts decisions to use drugs? Explain. What role do you think age plays in drug addiction? Explain.


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