Creating high-quality relationships with leaders

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132858559

Discuss the following issues. Please also provide brief feedback to the two students who posted immediately before you (this could be done within one week from the due date).

First, familiarize yourself with Leader-Member Exchange Theory by reading the textbook and/or other relevant materials (there are plenty of resources about this on the Internet). Then,

-Think of one experience in which you are the leader or the follower in a team (or a group of people). Briefly describe this context (e.g. What's the purpose of the team? How big is the team? What power does the leader have?).

-Take the LMX self-assessment listed in the module, and describe your role in this context (leader, in-group, or out-group).

-What behaviors of the leader create in-group versus out-group distinctions in this context? How do these behaviors influence members' performance and well-being?

-Should the leader in this context expect that he/she can establish in-group relationships with all of his/her team members or a majority of them? Why or why not? Can he/she still be perceived as fair if he/she can not?

-In this context, what responsibilities do team members have for creating high-quality relationships with their leaders? What steps should they take to help this happen?

Reference no: EM132858559

Questions Cloud

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Make conclusions and predictions about a population : Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics are what we use to describe or summarize the data and make conclusions and predictions about a population.
Creating high-quality relationships with leaders : In this context, what responsibilities do team members have for creating high-quality relationships with their leaders? What steps should they take to help this
Evaluate the use of technology in healthcare : Evaluate the readiness and the effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare Delivery System in responding to a widespread bioterrorism event.
Business improve operations or decision making : Select a business and describe how a wearable computing device could help that business improve operations or decision making.
What would be a type one error and type two error in example : What would be a type 1 error and type 2 error in the examples you provided? Explain how both of these could be minimized in your example.
How e-health is being used to improve health care : Provide an example how e-health is being used to improve health care and increase the value of health care services offered.


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