Create two original promotional documents for business

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131546872


Create two original promotional documents for business

1. A flyer advertising your business.

Your flyer should contain the following at minimum:

o Business Name and Brief Explanation of Your Products and/or Services
o Your name and contact information
o Clip art or Picture

- At least one picture
- At least 2 inches
- A style of effect applied to the picture

o Some colored font
o Bold, Italic, small caps or text effects

- At least two of the above

o At least one border
o At least two alignments
o A Page border

2. Menu or Product/Service Listing for your business

o Business Name
o Featured Menu or Product/Service Listing for your business

- Prices
- Brief Description

o Clip art or Picture

- At least one picture
- At least 2 inches
- A style of effect applied to the picture

o Some colored font
o Bold, Italic, small caps or text effects

- At least two of the above

o At least two alignments
o Tabbed text.

Reference no: EM131546872

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