Create a simple booking application for a doctor

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132235647

Assignment -

Application for a doctor to keep track of appointments.

Your assignment is to create a simple booking application for a doctor.

  • A booking should contain a username, a reason for visiting, and a start/end date time.

Back end requirements:

  • REST API to allow CRUD operations on the bookings.
  • Validation of data before performing operations.
  • Unit tests.
  • Use the Zend Expressive framework.

Code style requirements:

  • Use the PSR-2 coding style
  • Provide appropriate comments in your code.

Beautify Front end and make it look more appealing and user friendly (optional).

Commit your code to GitHub and send us the link.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132235647

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2/16/2019 12:56:53 AM

It’s basically an application for a doctor to keep track of appointments. I am stuck and unable to finish it. Can we skip the front end part, He can create a new record of appointment, update an existing one, retrieve all appointments and delete an existing one based on the username of the patient. Your assignment is to create a simple booking application for a doctor.

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