Create a login form and validate a user based on their login

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131748923


In this week's lab, we will create a login form, validate a user based on their login name and password, and allow them to access the system or not. We will assign a session variable to determine the user's level of security and allow certain functions to be displayed or not displayed in the existing frmPersonnel form depending on the assigned security level.

(NOTE: In some cases, the instructions for this lab will be less specific than in earlier labs, because you are expected to apply what you have learned in earlier weeks. Refer to the detailed instructions in previous weeks' labs if you need to do so.)

Please watch the tutorial before beginning the Lab.

Transcript Transcript


When you try to log in, if you use User Name = Mickey and Password = Mouse, the frmMain form should open with all links visible. If you use User Name = Minnie and Password = Mouse, the frmMain form should open with only the Salary Calculator, View Personnel, and Search options available. You will have a new option called Manage Users that will allow you to add new users and remove or update existing users. Once you have verified that it works, save your website, zip up all files, and submit it.

Note on database connections: We are using a SQLDataSource control for the Edit employees feature that we added. You should be using the connection string stored in the web.config file for your database connection for this control. Rather than creating a new connection each time, just use this connection.

If you change the folder where your website is stored (e.g., you copy each week's work to a new location), you will need to update the web.config. The advantage of using the database connection in the web.config is that you only have to set the configuration in one location.

Before starting this week's lab, make sure that everything is working and that all database connections are properly configured.

Reference no: EM131748923

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about the delphi technique : Review of a scholarly article on one of the following brainstorming techniques, the Delphi technique, brainstorming, or nominal group technique.
Problem related to harwick co : Information related to Harwick Co. is presented below. On April 5, purchased merchandise from Botham Company for $32,400, terms 3/10, net/30.
Create a login form and validate a user based on their login : Create a login form, validate a user based on their login name and password, and allow them to access the system or not.
Identify the usefulness of the information : What information can be used, besides the financial statements of an organization, when analyzing its financial health? Being detailed in your response.
What behaviors you would expect to see : What behaviors you would expect to see (breeding, feeding, migrating, etc)? In what way would you be able to interact with them?
Analyze the need for having more advanced wireless network : Compare the typical wireless networking equipment used in a home or small-office wireless network to that of a corporate wireless network.
What is the capital gain on the asset : After 10 years, the property was sold in the 11th year on September 2017 for $2M. The land cost was apprised at $100,000 for tax purposes.


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