Create a file to record all the bibliographic information

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Reference no: EM131625788 , Length: word count:2000

Introduction to Research Assignment - Literature Review


The purpose of this assignment is to help students getting familiar with the process of conducting literature review in a research project. Students will experience all three phases of producing literature review on the topic they selected for thesis writing.

Topic - You can choose any topic related to IT and do literature review of that particular topic.

Tasks: Conduct and write up the literature review section of your research proposal or thesis of the research topic you have selected.

1. Conduct a broad scan of the selected research topic.

a. Record a research journal

i. Keep a two-week (at least) research journal (from the day you have your lecture and lab in Week 3 until the submission due day, including all the actions from broad scan, focused review and comprehensive critique).

ii. The research journal should record your idea, feeling, and action related to your thesis, such as the date, the task, the action and any comment you have.

b. Develop a filing system

i. List all the sources you used to collect the literature, including the libraries (VU library), digital databases, search engine (i.e. Google Scholar).

ii. List all the keywords you have used to collect the literature from each source in above list.

iii. Record the number of the literature returned, and the number of the literature finally collected.

c. Get full bibliographic information

i. Create a file to record all the bibliographic information of the literature that you have collected and stored in your filing system.

ii. You are free to choose any reference tool or file format to record the bibliographic, including MS Word, MS Excel, EndNote, Reference Manager, LaTex or ASCII in HTML (.txt)

2. Conduct a Focused review

a. Evaluate your literature collection

i. Check the title, the author(s), the source, the document type, the published date, and read the abstract to carefully select the most relevant literature.

ii. Based on the evaluation results, you need to consider whether you will collect more literature or you need to discard some of them to narrow down your research problem. A recommended number is around 50 to 100. You also need to seek the suggestion from your instructor and/or supervisor.

b. Update your filing system. You need to update the table created for broad scan. (Hint: There must be some changes in the filing systems from broad scan and focused review.)

c. Update your bibliographic file. (Hint: The change of your bibliographic file must match with the updated filing system.)

d. Download the full text of the literature kept after your evaluation.

3. Conduct a comprehensive critique

a. Select two most relevant papers from your literature collection and undertake a careful reading to evaluate them according to following aspects if relevant (refer to Week4's lecture slides for detailed questions, page 20-23):

i. Research problem

ii. Literature review

iii. Subjects

iv. Instrumentation

v. Data collection, presentation, and analysis

vi. Summary and discussion

vii. Research type

viii. Overall evaluation

(Hint: You can use the above aspects as the subtitles for your evaluation statement. It is recommended to write your opinions in paragraph rather than only briefly list in bullets. You are expected to put your own understanding of the research work done in the literature.)

4. Provide a final outline of your literature review chapter. You are expected to provide a table of content of the literature review chapter, listing chapter title, subtitles, and subsubtitles if applied. No page number is required but a clear structure needs to be shown.

5. Write an introduction section that you will have in the literature review chapter. You can follow the sample provided in Week4's lecture slides, from page 50-51.)

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Reference no: EM131625788

Questions Cloud

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Create a file to record all the bibliographic information : NIT6130 Introduction to Research Assignment - Literature Review. Create a file to record all the bibliographic information of the literature
What is the deviations : Examples of Deviations. Madison Perry, CPA, is conducting an audit of Parker Inc. In so doing, Perry is performing a study of Parker's internal control.
Choose two types of trial waivers : Compare the differences and similarities in the method(s) in which the court uses such waivers. Justify your response.
The usage of blended sentencing in todays juvenile courts : Discuss the key attributes that result in the usage of blended sentencing in today's juvenile courts.
How do deviations influence the attributes sampling process : Examples of Deviations. Cameron Jones, CPA, is verifying that all sales made by Hicks Company to customers on account are properly approved by credit personnel.



9/4/2017 2:05:51 AM

Australian Student, Subject name: Introduction to Research. Word count – 2000. Topic - You can choose any topic related to IT and do literature review of that particular topic. A up-to-date research journal is kept, filing system is shown with required folder and subfolder settings in good organization, bibliographic information from broad scan is stored in separate files based on the keywords used for search, rough analysis on the literature collection is applied to filter out irrelevant documents.


9/4/2017 2:05:45 AM

Focused review is implemented with updated filing system with and bibliographic information separate folder and subfolders apart from broad scan, advanced filtering method is used to keep only the highly relevant documents with appropriate explanation of selection. Well-written evaluation statements for two selected papers are presented, insights from these two papers are highlighted in content. Demonstrate capability to create hieratical outline of chapter is presented up to four levels of titles in logical order to provide clear overview organization of the entire chapter. Well-written introduction section with careful organization to give big picture and insight of current development of information technology used in the selected research area.

Write a Review

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