COVID19 crisis exposed in field of Organizational Behaviour

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Reference no: EM132589213

1. What vulnerabilities has the COVID19 crisis exposed in the field of Organizational Behaviour?

2. Research an organization's response to the COVID19 crisis. How did this organization adapt to the crisis? Is the response working?

3. Did the organization incorporate virtual teams? Did this work? What would you recommend organizations do to promote virtual teams?

4. Throughout this semester you've worked as part of a virtual team. How was the experience? What did you learn? What surprised you? Would you recommend this type of teamwork? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132589213

Questions Cloud

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COVID19 crisis exposed in field of Organizational Behaviour : What vulnerabilities has the COVID19 crisis exposed in the field of Organizational Behaviour?
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Twitter support OER-Enabled Pedagogy : How can Twitter harm learners and educators? How can Twitter be used to increase access to education? In what ways does Twitter support OER-Enabled Pedagogy?


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