Covert action and clandestine operations

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Reference no: EM133131256


Review historical examples of covert action and clandestine operations in the text. Discuss what distinguishes a covert action from a clandestine operation. Use your creativity to tweak historical details, turning their examples of covert actions into clandestine operations and vice versa. Discuss whether many details have to change for operations to shift between covert and clandestine.

Reference no: EM133131256

Questions Cloud

Human trafficking is such enormous business : Why do you think that human trafficking is such an enormous "business"? How has the vastness of the Internet contributed to the issue of human trafficking?
Feminist criminology : How have these three overwhelmingly "white" feminisms gradually joined with that of women of color to analyze the triple oppression of race, class, and gender?
Peacemaking criminology : Summarize the cultural and historical background for peacemaking in criminologpiritual/religious tradition to that of Harold Pepinsky in the critical tradition.
Discuss U.S. reliance on critical infrastructures : Discuss U.S. reliance on critical infrastructures. If U.S. suffered major nationwide cyber attack, which of critical infrastructures would be most impacted?
Covert action and clandestine operations : Review historical examples of covert action and clandestine operations in the text. Discuss what distinguishes a covert action from a clandestine operation.
Discuss some management practices : List and discuss some management practices that have been found to contribute to an ethical workplace.
Treated like telephone or email communications : What is your response to the article Are Tweets free speech? Should social media accounts be treated like telephone or email communications?
Security implications of change in technology : Briefly explain the idea and discuss what you thing the security implications of this change in technology.
Criminal professionalism : Research and identify at least three countries other than U.S. that have legal prostitution. Research their laws, districting, and in general, how they operate.


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