Contrast between adam''s disobedience and jesus

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Reference no: EM131667976

For the Unit 4 Discuss assignment, please answer the following discussion question from p. 384 of the textbook: "Although the hymn Paul cites in Philippians 2 is commonly interpreted as describing Jesus' prehuman existence, many commentators believe that it contains instead an implied contrast between Adam's disobedience and Jesus' humble obedience. Summarize the arguments for and against these differing interpretations."

Reference no: EM131667976

Questions Cloud

Review of a major web tool supporting team performance : Conduct a CNET style review of a major Web tool supporting team performance.Write a 3 - 5 content page minimum application review.
Calculate the number of hours the equipment is rented : Find the equation that expresses the total fee in terms of the number of hours the equipment is rented.
Light bulb moments : Quote a sentence or sentences from theGod with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testamenttext that impressed you this week.
Explain perfect competition or imperfect competition : Explain perfect competition or imperfect competition. For example the unemployment rate is a statistic in very common use.
Contrast between adam''s disobedience and jesus : Summarize the arguments for and against these differing interpretations."
Role of the original readers of the text : Give a definition of hermeneutics and then offer a discussion of the importance of 1 of the following components in interpretation
Review of the entity financial performance : ACC 80003 Assignment. The measurement and review of the entity's financial performance. (Ref: ASA 315, Para. A44-A49)
Relationship between fuel efficiency and weight of a car : What does the correlation imply about the relationship between fuel efficiency and weight of a car? Is this what you expected?
Explain the economic significance of the caselet-two posted : Explain the economic significance of the caselet-2 posted in your weekly reading folder. You can use graphs when appropriate to make your arguments.


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