Consumer behavior process while in different aisles

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Reference no: EM132397332

For this assignment, visit your local grocery store to observe and record behaviors in the various aisles. Your visit should be long enough to observe several behaviors and situations. Read the assignment thoroughly before your observational visit in order to watch for specific behaviors.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Identify the store and the day and time you made your observation.

Analyze the behaviors you observed to determine how consumers progressed through the consumer behavior process while in different aisles.

Assess how consumers determine value for their various purchases. This can be addressed with at least two (2) specific consumer examples or by combining all the consumers you observed.

Pick two specific consumers that seemed to be very different from each other. Contrast how these two (2) consumers progressed through the consumer perception process.

Analyze how different manufacturers motivated consumers to pick their specific brands. Articulate thoroughly the behaviors displayed and tactics used by the store or manufacturer to motivate the purchase.

Record all your observations in a table placed in an Appendix.

Reference no: EM132397332

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