Conduct an initial review of the simulated workplace

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131530126

Assessment One description

Using the scenario information supplied, you will conduct an initial review of the workplace. You will then participate in a management meeting (a role-play), in which you will propose the design of an appropriate WHSMS and consult with management. During the meeting, you will present a draft WHS policy for consultation.


1. Review the simulated workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd (below).

2. Conduct an initial review of the simulated workplace, including core elements of the system:
- organisational requirements for WHS management
- responsibilities and accountabilities for WHS
- WHS risk management and procedures
- documentation and record-keeping requirements for monitoring and review and demonstration of compliance
- employee capability and need for training.
Note: some relevant information may be gathered from the simulated workplace information provided below; some information may be gathered through the process of consultation.

3. Review the summaries of consultation meetings with organisational stakeholders to gain input into proposed WHSMS (you will need to address the stakeholder concerns in your WHSMS).

4. Conduct any research necessary to support your proposal for the design of a WHSMS, for example on:
- Victorian WHS legal framework
- NSW or Qld WHS Act, to support your proposal for the design of a WHSMS.
- relevant standards for WHS management systems, risk management and record-keeping.

5. Develop a draft WHS policy for Pitstop Pty Ltd.

6. Develop a (1-2 page) written outline of core elements of your proposed WHS management system and your response to issues raised by Amanda Kaisig and Pat Lee:
- Store Manager of flagship store, Amanda Kaisig needs to be reassured that the new system will deal systematically with all health and safety problems, that the board of directors is fully committed and will provide the required resources.
- Worker representative from former ISS stores, Pat Lee is willing to communicate the importance and benefits of the new WHSMS to workers, but only if convinced of the benefits to workers and that management has given its full commitment any new WHSMS.

7. Arrange a time with your assessor to complete management role-play in which you propose design of your WHS management system and WHS policy to the board of directors and CEO during a meeting.

8. In a 10-15 minute role-play presentation and consultation session, propose the design of an appropriate WHS management system and WHS draft policy to the board of directors and CEO. Ensure you lead the meeting and discuss:
- core elements of system and proposed changes or additions
- relevant standards
- relevant legislative requirements for WHS management, including those related to record-keeping
- WHS policy requirements
- how policy will be communicated to employees
- how design of WHS management system and WHS policy meet internal and external requirements
- possible certification option and process of certification.
Note that, during the presentation and consultation session, you will need to:
- answer questions
- ask for feedback and input into the system
- work to build support and ask for management commitment to policy and WHSMS.

9. Incorporate necessary changes into your WHS policy draft and design of WHSMS based on consultation.

10. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

You must:
- participate in presentation and consultation session (role-play) with board of directors and CEO
- submit 1-2 page written outline of WHSMS core elements (revised if needed) including responses to:
 Store Manager, Amanda Kaisig

 worker representative, Pat Lee
- submit a draft WHS policy (revised if needed).
Your assessor will be looking for:
- analytical skills to analyse relevant workplace information and data
- communication skills to conduct effective formal and informal meetings and communicate effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation
- consultation, facilitation and negotiation skills to gather input and build support for plans
- information technology skills to conduct research, create documentation and present information
- organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe
- knowledge of standards relating to WHSMS
- knowledge of relevant commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, Regulations, codes of practice, standards, guidance material and other relevant publications
- knowledge of requirements for record-keeping that address WHS, privacy and other relevant legislation
- knowledge of WHS management systems
- knowledge of WHSMS certification and auditing standards, processes and requirements.

Attachment:- Simulated workplace scenario.rar

Reference no: EM131530126

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