Conduct a complete chi-square goodness-of-fit test

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM132167125

A psychologist is investigating the physical characteristics that influence whether or not a person's face is judged as beautiful. The researcher selects a photograph of a woman and then creates two modifications of the photo by (1) moving the eyes slightly farther apart and (2) moving the eyes slightly closer together. The original photograph and the two modifications are then shown to a sample of N = 150 college students, and each student is asked to select the "most beautiful" of the three faces. The distribution of responses is as follows

Original Eyes Moved Apart Eyes Moved Together


51 72 27

Conduct a complete Chi-Square Goodness-Of-Fit Test as outlined in your Handout.

Reference no: EM132167125

Questions Cloud

Level of significance to think the fitness clubs : 40, 55, 50, 33, 38, 35, 30, and 45. Do you have any reason at the 10% level of significance to think the fitness clubs claim is incorrect?
Compare assessment and evaluation in detail : Give an example, from classroom or online applications other than this course, of assessment, then compare and contrast that with an example of evaluation.
Explore relation between sport sponsorship and brand value : Assessment task: Project proposal. TOPIC: Explore relation between sport sponsorship and brand value. A detail statement of the problem
Gender and the aggression content of dreams : Is there a relationship between gender and the aggression content of dreams? Conduct a complete Chi-Square Test of Independence as outlined in your Handout.
Conduct a complete chi-square goodness-of-fit test : Conduct a complete Chi-Square Goodness-Of-Fit Test as outlined in your Handout.
How does emotional intelligence apply to you : How does Emotional Intelligence apply to you? Why is it important to your wellness plan? Citation: "Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence."
Explain how the research analysis helped you develop : Explain how the Research Analysis helped you develop instructional strategies for these diverse learners.
Calculate the pearson product-moment correlation coefficient : Calculate the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
Negative relationship between the reaction time scores : Researchers who measure reaction time for human subjects often observe a negative relationship between the reaction time scores


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