Computer engineering design project

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Reference no: EM13843554

In this design project, you will use the Basic Stamp microcontroller (hardware) and PBASIC programming (software) to control the movement of the Boe-Bot through various points on a 2' x 2' grid on the classroom floor. The final requirement of this project is to trace the letter-combination ‘OP' on the grid using a Boe-bot. The 2' x 2' grid is represented by the figure shown below:


The grid has been marked with numbered points, which are also known as nodes. An adjacent node is defined as a node that lies immediately to the  side, top, or bottom of a given node. For example, in the grid shown above, nodes 2 and 8 are adjacent to node 1, while node 7 is not. 

The distance between any given node, and its adjacent node, is 1 foot (12 inches).

The specifications for the project are as follows: 1.  Starting at node 1, the Boe-Bot traces the letter ‘O' on the grid. The sequence to be followed by the Boe-Bot for tracing this letter is as  follows: ? At the beginning, the Boe-Bot is at rest with its center aligned with node 1. The front wheel of the Boe-Bot is facing towards node 2

? The Boe-Bot starts moving towards node 3 via node 2 (at full-speed). When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 3, the Boe-Bot  pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 5 via node 4 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 5, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 9 via node 6 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 9, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 1 via node 8 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 1, it should turn right and pause for 2 seconds (with the center aligned on top of node

1). This completes the tracing of the letter ‘O' on the grid by the Boe-bot.

2. Now the Boe-Bot traces the letter ‘P' on the grid, starting at node 1. The sequence to be followed by the Boe-Bot for tracing this letter is as follows:

? At the beginning of this tracing, the Boe-Bot's center is aligned with node 1. The front wheel of the Boe-Bot is facing towards node 2

? The Boe-Bot starts moving towards node 3 via node 2 (at full-speed). When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 3, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 5 via node 4 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 5, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 6 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 6, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns right to proceed towards node 2 via node 7 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 2, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds), and then turns left to proceed towards node 1 (at full-speed)

? When the center of the Boe-Bot reaches node 1, the Boe-Bot pauses briefly (for 0.5 seconds). Then it does an about-turn (180° turn).

At the end of this turn, the Boe-Bot is at rest with its center aligned with node 1 and the front wheel of the Boe-Bot faces towards node

2. This completes the tracing of the letter ‘P' on the grid by the Boe-bot.

The completion of stages 1 and 2 described above completes the tracing of the letter-combination ‘OP' on the grid by the Boe-bot.
Attachment:- boe-bot_introduction.pdf

Attachment:- tutorial_robotics_with_boe-bot_and_pbasic.pdf


Reference no: EM13843554

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