Compose a document telling about methodology

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131455187

Within the context of your chosen management problem or issue, compose a document telling about your methodology. Label this section "Methods."

  • State if you will use a quantitative and/or qualitative approach and why.
  • Detail what data you will collect, where you will obtain the data, and whether it will be primary or secondary data. Be as specific as you can and be realistic. Remember that while in this course you are designing your study. In your capstone paper you will need to implement/carry out your data collection plan and sampling.
  • Be sure to include a description of the analysis you intend to use for your method of data collection.

You must spell out the qualitative and/or quantitative methodology you propose using as well as your plans for sampling. As you think through your methodology, some questions you may want to ask yourself are:

  • What kind of questions should I pose on a questionnaire?
  • Where and from whom will I collect my data? (E.g., will I survey friends in my LinkedIn account or will I access U.S. Census data?)
  • What size sample should I and can I realistically obtain?

Reference no: EM131455187

Questions Cloud

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Compose a document telling about methodology : Within the context of your chosen management problem or issue, compose a document telling about your methodology. Label this section "Methods."
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