Complementary and alternative medicine

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132516583

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Environmental Health Issues

You have learned about the various environmental issues, including physical, chemical and biological agents that impact our health.

Based on your understanding of the environmental issues, create a Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:

Examine the regulatory agencies related to your chosen environmental agent? What is the role of these agencies?

Discuss the environmental standards related to your chosen agent? How will these standards decrease the hazards in your local community?

Analyze the factors (such as physical, cognitive, behavioral, financial, and emotional) that can influence your chosen environmental issue.

Describe the impact of your chosen environmental issue on a diverse population. Support using examples.

Evaluate the ways in which the environmental issue will impact the involved staff. Also, discuss how different staff will be involved to deal with the issue.

Reference no: EM132516583

Questions Cloud

Implementation and measurement of outcomes with beefsteak : This week's topic has been the considerations and design of training and development programs. Evaluate various methods of training and development outcomes.
Healthcare quality-reduction of healthcare cost : Determine the supporting factors that would aid in the reduction of healthcare cost in your organization without reducing quality of care for the patients.
Company social responsibility-brand or reputation : Do you personally make purchasing choices based on a company's social responsibility, brand or reputation? Explain what motivates you to make these choices.
Patriarchy and feminism : Summarizing a text and then applying the ideas in the text you've summarized to another work, in this case either the song "Under My Thumb" by the Rolling Stone
Complementary and alternative medicine : You have learned about the various environmental issues, including physical, chemical and biological agents that impact our health.
Effects-politics and regulatory control of tobacco use : How do tobacco control regulations relate to positive and normative economics? How do tobacco control regulations impact individual health care.
Linear growth process with immigration rate : Consider a linear growth process with immigration rate. Write down the di?erence - di?erential equation for this process.
Procedures for implementing access control change : Create a guide that security personnel will use that includes procedures for implementing an access control change.
In reference to firefighters union contract : Reflecting on the collective bargaining process, what factors do you think can cause the most issues with the bargaining process?


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