Compare the republican and democratic party

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Reference no: EM132564624

Compare and contrast the Republican and Democratic party based on the information you found in the required worksheet.

To whom do you think their Web site will most likely appeal, and why? What image are they trying to project for the party (or candidate)? How successful are they in their efforts? What improvements might they make to appeal to certain demographics?

Next, discuss the third party website you reviewed for this assignment. How were the ideas presented by the third party different from the two major parties?

Finally, consider whether or not two major political parties enough to represent the diversity of the people of America? What are the benefits of a two-party system? What are the drawbacks of a two-party system? What are major obstacles faced by third-party candidates? Do you think a third party will rise to power anytime soon? Why or why not. What would it take for a third party to be successful?

Reference no: EM132564624

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