Compare characteristics of leadership and management

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131524000

Assignment : Organizational Analysis - Your Experience

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization. During the span of this course, you have been shadowing a nurse leader, observing and reflecting on skills, behaviors, and strategies that the leader exhibits.

You have also been assessing and reflecting on your own leadership and management styles and skills. Now you will gather those thoughts in a more formal retrospective of your experience in the course.

You may notice that the rubric for the previous assignment is similar to the rubric for this assignment. Keep in mind that the previous assignment you were presenting an analysis of the leader/manager that you shadowed and with this assignment you are presenting an analysis of the overall experience (which does include the time spent with your leader/manager).


• Explain how organizations function.

• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.

• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.

• Evaluate effectiveness of communications patterns using specific management situations.

Please create a new word document with title page, body of paper, and references according to 6th ed APA to submit your work.

Essential elements of scholarly writing:

• Ensure correct grammar and spelling

• Assignment should be submitted as an APA Paper, including title page and references.

• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.

• 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.

• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper. The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.

• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following APA style. An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.

• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.

Reference no: EM131524000

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the cigarette packaging : How do you feel about these regulations? Will this type of packaging make a difference in the number of people who smoke?
Qualify for membership to mensa : What is the probability that at least 8 of them will qualify for membership to Mensa?
What is the value of a share of stephens stock : The required rate of return for stock of similar risk is 10%. What is the value of a share of Stephens’ stock?
Effectiveness of the fiscal and monetary policies : Discuss and analyse the effectiveness of the fiscal and monetary policies employed in 2009, illustrating with aggregate demand-aggregate supply models.
Compare characteristics of leadership and management : Explain how organizations function.Evaluate effectiveness of communications patterns using specific management situations.
Research and locate a current-events article : Research and locate a current-events article or video that, like the example article from Tulsa World, depicts ethical or unethical practices
Discuss what is the posterior probabilities : It is said that Napoleon assessed probabilities at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. His hopes for victory depended on keeping the English and Prussian armies.
What is the expected capital gains yield : What is the current yield? What is the expected capital gains (or loss) yield for the coming year?
Government of a country imposes trade restrictions : If the government of a country imposes trade restrictions on the import of a certain good, the country will gain a comparative advantage.


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