Community and human services

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133031851

How to create a 4 page discipline report essay on area of study- (community and Human services) and Concentration ( Healthcare management). Assignment Option 3: "Discipline Report." In this assignment, you have the opportunity to learn more about the field you have chosen to enter. First, review your Area of Study and Concentration Guidelines in the Student Degree Planning Guide. Then, research the kind of knowledge and experiences you would be expected to have with the concentration you have decided to pursue. Sources you might consult include: university websites, professional websites, career planning resources at ESC: , academic and professional journals, academic and professional associations, professional training websites, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, etc. Write a report in which you define your field, identify academic and professional expectations, and discuss the type of coursework you will need to include in your degree plan to meet your personal and professional goals.

Include an Annotated Resource List to accompany your Discipline Report. Identify resources available to members in your field-groups, societies, associations, publications, etc. Create a list in which you describe what information and opportunities are offered by the resources. Include a minimum of 10 resources in your annotated list.

Reference no: EM133031851

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Community and human services : How to create a 4 page discipline report essay on area of study- (community and Human services) and Concentration ( Healthcare management).
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