Communicate a developed awareness of historical development

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132310510 , Length: word count:2000

Write a personal response to Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Do not review or critically analyse the book. Do provide a personal response to the book's ideas that have particular interest to you and your professional experience.

Express your opinon and reasoning, do not use or quote others opinions. Focus on what you agee with, what you disagee with, what you think might be valuable in your personal and professional life, what having studied the book you plan to change and why.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs) Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a developed capacity to be a life long student of leadership.

2. Identify and demonstrate a capacity to consider both positive and negative aspects associated with a set of ideas or a problem or opportunity and reach a personal position that places due weight on different perspectives. Students should be able apply critical analysis/thinking effectively.

3. Execute and proactively pursue self-reflection as a means of guiding their personal, managerial and leadership development.

4. Communicate a well developed awareness of the historical development and the thrust of the dominant leadership theories and be able to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following faculty Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) and Engineers Australia (EA) Stage 1 competencies: Apply systems thinking to understand complex system behaviour including interactions between components and with other systems (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business etc.)

(A.5) Demonstrate research skills

(B.6) Apply abstraction, mathematics and/or discipline fundamentals to analysis, design and operation

(C.1) Manage own time and processes effectively by prioritising competing demands to achieve personal goals (Manage self)

(D.1) Reflect on personal and professional experiences to engage in independent development beyond formal education for lifelong learning

(D.2) Communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose

(E.1) Work as an effective member or leader of diverse teams within a multilevel, multidisciplinary and multicultural setting

(E.2) Be able to conduct critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements

(F.1) Appreciate ethical implications of professional practice

(F.2) Understand cross-cultural issues (regions or workplaces)

(F.3) Compliance with assignment brief. Shown capacity to effectively work as a member of a group.

Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of chosen leader. Shown capacity to concisely document and present findings professionally.

Ability to communicate effectively to an audience of peers. Demonstrated competence in reviewing and critiquing the work and presentations of peers.

Article- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Reference no: EM132310510

Questions Cloud

Business value of implementing data resource : a) What is the business value of implementing data resource management processes and technologies in an organization.
Rocket scientists document in module : Please refer to it and the JPL website to answer this question. Links to their website are also in that document.
Understand cross-cultural issues : Communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose - Apply abstraction, mathematics and/or discipline fundamentals to analysis
Meeting expected customer service standards : Some of your team members are having difficulties in meeting expected customer service standards.
Communicate a developed awareness of historical development : Reflect on personal and professional experiences to engage in independent development beyond formal education for lifelong learning
Identify and demonstrate a capacity : Execute and proactively pursue self-reflection as a means of guiding their personal, managerial and leadership development - Demonstrate a developed capacity
Enhance the number of millennial leaders : What is the best practices to enhance the number of millennial leaders, given that now senior managers is reluctant and uniform as to how they should promote
Learning organization in the future : Assess your ideas regarding Target's need and ability to operate as a Learning Organization in the future
The roles of project manager and contract manager : Compare and contrast the roles of a project manager and a contract manager, focusing on the procurement process and the goals of project management to manage


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