CI7110 Data Communications Assignment

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Reference no: EM132874838

CI7110 Data Communications - Kingston University

Topic - TCP/IP Protocols Handle Data Communications

There are two parts to the coursework submission:

1. You must submit a short video file (maximum 3 minutes duration) demonstrating your initial ‘MATLAB' and / or ‘Simulink' simulation or implementation by 23:59 on Tuesday 30th March 2021. The video should include an audio description and the file type should be .mp4 or .mov . As an alternative to a video recording you can upload a Powerpoint .pptx presentation file that includes a series of screenshots together with an audio recording of maximum length 3 minutes which together explain and demonstrate your code when run. You must also submit your Simulink .slx and / or ‘MATLAB' .m or .mlx file(s) via the Module Assignments link on Canvas by 23:59 on 30th March 2021.

2. You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment paper Word file (.doc or .docx) and your Simulink .slx and / or ‘MATLAB' .m or .mlx files via the Module Assignments link on Canvas by 23:59 on Thursday 6th May 2021. Please prefix your paper filename with your surname and Knumber i.e. Surname_Knumber_. Please submit the Network Security section as a separate file and prefix the filename with Security_Surname_Knumber_. Please note that the total length of the tutorial review paper covering all the three aspects of Data Communications should be between 3000 and 5000 words.

Write a tutorial review paper of between 3000 and 5000 words covering three aspects of Data Communications. The first part will be on Digital Communications, the second part on TCP/IP Networks and the third on network security protocols. The three topics can be related or independent and should either extend that presented in the module or be within the scope of Data Communications but have not been covered in the lecture course.

The Digital Communications aspect should include some relevant simulation and / or analysis using ‘MATLAB' or ‘Simulink'; details of how the simulation and / or analysis was performed as well as results should be included. A listing of your ‘MATLAB' code should be included in an appendix at the end of the paper as text, not screenshots. You should also include a relevant simulation and analysis for the TCP/IP Networks part. You can optionally include a simulation for the network security protocols aspect.

The paper should be presented in a similar form to that used for some journals, with two columns of 12 point text with headings of 14 bold point text and should be consistent with the following guidelines:

Title of Paper in 16 point bold characters Name of author

Abstract Introduction Section headings Conclusion

References: Note use the ‘Harvard' referencing system.

Attachment:- Data Communications.rar

Reference no: EM132874838

Questions Cloud

Apply operations management : How can your company apply operations management (OM)? Discuss 2 examples of how OM is used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.
Give patient the diagnosis believe to be correct for patient : Give patient the diagnosis believe to be correct for patient. What clinical signs/symptoms would you expect to see with these two differential diagnoses?
Determine the owners equity of each company : The total assets and total liabilities of Dollar Tree Inc. and Target Corporation are shown below. Determine the owners' equity of each company
What are the plans to implement the measures : TITLE: Worker critically injured after slipping off a roof and falling through guardrails
CI7110 Data Communications Assignment : CI7110 Data Communications Assignment Help and Solution, Kingston University - Assessment Writing Service - Digital Communications aspect
Identify two differential diagnoses : You are seeing a patient with fatigue, pallor, Identify two differential diagnoses and provide the pathophysiology of these two differential diagnoses.
Determine the net income of each company for the year : On the basis of the above data and the following additional information for the year, determine the net income (or loss) of each company for the year
Promotion on two separate occasions : Jack Johnson has been an employee of ABC Inc. for the past 4 years. During that time he has been passed over for promotion on two separate occasions.
Identify the additional workup that is needed to rule in : Identify the additional workup that is needed to rule in or rule out these differential diagnoses. What clinical signs/symptoms would you expect to see


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