Choose between two really nice job offers

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132308454

1. You will soon have to choose between two really nice job offers. They are in the same industry, but you wonder which employer would be the “best fit.” You have a sense that their “cultures” are quite different. Fortunately, you’ve been invited back to spend a full day at each before making your decision. One of your friends suggests that doing a balance-sheet assessment of cultural pluses and minuses for each employer could be helpful. What aspects of organizational culture would you identify as important to your job choice? Given the items on your list, what can you look for or do in the coming visits to discover the real organizational cultures pluses and minuses for each item?

2. The promotion to team manager puts you right where you want to be in terms of career advancement. Even though you’ve had to move to a new location, it’s a great opportunity . . . if you can do well as a team leader. That’s the problem. Now that you’re in the job, you realize that the culture of the team is really bad. Some of the ways you’ve heard members describe it to one another are “toxic,” “dog-eat-dog,” “watch your back,” and “keep your head down.” Realizing that culture change takes time but that’s it’s also necessary for this situation, what can you do right away as the new team leader to set the team on course for a positive change to its culture? ManagementSkills& Competencies Make yourself valuable!

3. Times are tough at your organization, and, as the director of human resources, you have a problem. The company’s senior executives have decided that 10% of the payroll has to be cut immediately. Instead of laying off about 30 people, you would like to have everyone cut back their work hours by 10%. This way the payroll would be cut but everyone would get to keep their jobs. But you’ve heard that this idea isn’t popular with all of the workers. Some are already grumbling that it’s a “bad idea” and the company is just looking for excuses “to cut wages.” How can you best handle this situation as a change leader?

Reference no: EM132308454

Questions Cloud

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Choose between two really nice job offers : You will soon have to choose between two really nice job offers. They are in the same industry, but you wonder which employer would be the “best fit.”
Offers fairly good service at relatively low prices : Jet Blue offers fairly good service at relatively low prices. According to the video, the company sees an increase in its revenues, but not in its profits.
Beverage and entertainment establishments : the top three trends that will create the most in revenue for beverage, beverage and food and/or beverage and entertainment establishments.
Evaluation of present corporate strategies : Rcc’s is known for its various products that are unique when compared to different department stores nationwide.
How will the denver colorado aick leave policy : How will the denver Colorado aick leave policy affect business owners?


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