Categorize the point-of-sale system in supermarket

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1369341

1.Using the four basic application types introduced, classify the following systems and explain your classification:

A point-of-sale system in a supermarket
A system that sends out reminders that magazine subscriptions are due to be paid
A photo album system that provides some facilities for restoring old photographs
A system that reads web pages to visually disabled users
An interactive game in which characters move around, cross obstacles and collect treasure
An inventory control system that keeps track of what items are in stock and automatically generates orders for new stock then the level falls below a certain value.

Reference no: EM1369341

Questions Cloud

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Categorize the point-of-sale system in supermarket : Categorize the following systems and explain your classification: A point-of-sale system in a supermarket, A system which sends out reminders that magazine subscriptions are due to be paid.
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Compute the equilibrium level of income : Suppose that consumption schedule for a private open economy is such that consumption C=50+0.8Y. Suppose further that planned investment Ig and net exports Xn are independent of the level of real GDP
Explain and analyze the target capital structure : Explain and Analyze the target capital structure of your company including bank loans and Why do you think it maintains the capital structure it does? Do you think it is an optimal capital structure?


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