Case analysis-ricks new job

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132417280

Case Analysis: Rick's New Job

Read the Rick's New Job case analysis at the end of Chapter 3 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text. In an 800 to 1,000 word paper (excluding the title and reference pages), respond to the following case questions:

Explain why Rick was let go and how reinforcement theory applies to this situation.

Explain Rosie and Walter's reaction to Rick's computer in terms of resistance to change. Use the concepts in this chapter to explain how Rick might have approached the computer situation so as to gain acceptance.

Explain Rick's inability to "fit in" using social learning theory. Identify where breakdowns occurred.

If Val hired you to develop a management training program for the senior managers at PPP, explain how you would go about designing the program. Provide appropriate theoretical rationale to support your position.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper must also include citations and references for the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. An Abstract is not required. Use APA formatted headings, rather than numbers, to delineate your response to each case question. For example, the following headings (or equivalent) can be used to identify each section of your paper:

Reinforcement Theory

Resistance to Change

Social Learning Theory

Designing a Management Training Program

Attachment:- Effective Training-Case Analysis-Ricks New Job.rar

Reference no: EM132417280

Questions Cloud

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Case analysis-ricks new job : Explain why Rick was let go and how reinforcement theory applies to this situation. Explain Rick's inability to "fit in" using social learning theory.
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Recommended action plan to your executive leadership team : Imagine that you are presenting a Recommended Action Plan to your Executive Leadership team.


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