Briefly discuss the budgeting process

Assignment Help Managerial Accounting
Reference no: EM132505032 , Length: word count:3000

HI5017 Managerial Accounting Assignment - Holmes Institute, Australia


Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - Students are required to develop their understanding of the purpose and use of management accounting systems, and its usefulness in aiding managers make informed decisions. You are to critically evaluate the literature (using journal articles) to analyse the practical use of management accounting systems by contemporary companies, in terms of their relevance to the decision-making by managers and achievement of business goals.

Individual Assignment Specifications -

Purpose: This assignment aims at developing your understanding of the purpose and use of management accounting systems, and its usefulness in aiding managers make informed decisions. You are to critically evaluate the literature (using journal articles) to analyse the practical use of management accounting systems by contemporary companies, in terms of their relevance to the decision-making by managers and achievement of business goals.

Assignment Task - Journal Article Critique

You are required to conduct a literature search and discussion in this assignment. You are to choose a peer reviewed journal article (from any country) on the: Use of Budgeting as a management technique for managing resources.

The article should be published between 2010 - 2020. Choose your article only after you have accessed several relevant articles, and then choose the best articles that will answer the assignment question below.

Required: Critically evaluate the relevance and challenges of budgeting systems by answering the 5 questions below:

Question 1. Briefly discuss the budgeting process.

Question 2. Based on your selected journal article, discuss citing examples whether the budgeting process satisfies the purpose of planning, controlling and evaluating performance.

Question 3. The two widely used practices in preparing budgets are 'top down' budgeting and 'bottom up' budgeting. Identify and explain the practice adopted by the organisation discussed in your selected journal article and further explain the behavioural implications of adopted practice.

Question 4. Based on your literature findings (above), critically evaluate the comment that 'traditional budgeting practices are constraint on creativity, and the time and energy spent on budget formulation is better spent elsewhere'.

Question 5. Based on your literature findings (above), would you recommend budgeting for contemporary organisations for planning and control purpose? Explain.

Assignment Structure:- The report should include the following components:

a. Assignment cover page clearly stating your name and student number

b. Abstract (one paragraph)

c. Table of contents

d. A brief introduction or overview of what the report is about.

e. Body of the assignment with appropriate section headings

f. Conclusion

g. List of References.

Attachment:- Managerial Accounting.rar

Reference no: EM132505032

Questions Cloud

What is your assessment of the vision that beers created : What is your assessment of the vision that Beers created? What exactly is her vision? Is it original? Is it stating the obvious? How important is originality?
Expenditures to shift the aggregate demand curve : By how much must the government increase expenditures to shift the aggregate demand curve right by $10 billion?
What do you think is its economic impact : The US national debt is around $23 trillion. 1. What do you think is its economic impact? 2. What do you think should be done?
Explain the weekly concept in your own words : This Ted talk is particularly powerful, and the speaker, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, turned it into a book afterwards and has written and continues to speak.
Briefly discuss the budgeting process : Briefly discuss the budgeting process and Identify and explain the practice adopted by the organisation discussed in your selected journal article and further
Significant ways that an organization structure : What are some significant ways that an organization's structure affects the organization's ability to adapt to strategy initiatives.
Expand economic activity : What specific fiscal policy actions should be taken to expand economic activity?
Government to combat the rising debt figure : What action do you think should be taken by our government to combat the rising debt figure?
Can people with average incomes become quite wealthy : Can people with average incomes become quite wealthy? Do they have to be lucky in order to do so?


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Managerial Accounting Questions & Answers

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  What is average fixed manufacturing cost per unit produce

If 35,000 units are produced, what is the total amount of fixed manufacturing overhead incurred to support this level of production?

  Evaluate the break-even point in total sales dollars

Compute the break-even point in total sales dollars and in units for 2014 and paul was a marketing major in college. He believes that sales volume can be increased only by intensive advertising and promotional campaigns.

  What are opportunity costs

What are opportunity costs? The net gain that is given up when choosing one option over another. The costs associated with one option (opportunity)

  Prepare a statement of financial position for the business

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  Calculate the breakeven point in sales dollars

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  Would such values remain constant or be subject to change

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  Find what are the target fixed costs

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  Prepare a production report using the fifo method

Prepare a production report using the FIFO method. Follow the five steps outlined in the chapter in preparing the report. Carry out unit costs to three decimal places. Round to the nearest dollar in the production report.

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