Biodiversity conservation and peoples wellbeing

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133113946 , Length: word count:2000

Question: The essay of a maximum of 2000 words (excluding references) critically evaluates

- the link between a specific ecosystem with its specific biodiversity and how it maps onto Mace's ecosystem services framework published in 2012 in Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
- the ecosystem functions and what services it provides
- the usefulness of these frameworks for assessing and managing ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation and people's wellbeing. Please use an ecosystem of your choice or use one that we will discuss in one of the sessions

Criteria of marking:Are the links between biodiversity and the services the ecosystem provides clearly outlined?

Is the biodiversity and how it maps onto Mace's ecosystem services framework published in 2012 in Trends in Ecology & Evolution. clearly outlined?

Is the usefulness of these frameworks for assessing and managing ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation and people's wellbeing critically assessed.

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Attachment:- Essay of biodiversity.rar

Reference no: EM133113946

Questions Cloud

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