Benefits of using social networks in the hiring process

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131692903

What are some benefits of using social networks in the hiring process? What are some legal considerations associated with using social networks in the hiring process? Share your observations and experiences with social networks and hiring.

Reference no: EM131692903

Questions Cloud

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Benefits of using social networks in the hiring process : What are some benefits of using social networks in the hiring process? What are some legal considerations associated with using social networks in the hiring?
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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

  Identify time intervals representing slow start on startup

. The TCP version that generated this trace includes a feature absent from the TCP that generated Figure 6.11. What is this feature?

  Monthly payments for the next

Mr. Albers borrowed $425,000 from the bank for his new house at an interest rate of 9%. He will make equal monthly payments for the next 30 years.

  Explain the cache memory in detail

1. Explain the cache memory in detail. 2. Explain the different factors affecting the processing speed of CPU.

  Calculate the selling price of a circuit board

An electronics company sells circuit boards at a 40 percent profit. Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67. Display the result on the screen.

  What temperature would the heater assume

How long would it take to come within 10°C of this temperature? Allow for radiation exchange between the heater (ε = 0.8) and the duct walls, which are also at 27°C.

  Does this sample pose a threat to groundwater in michigan

The State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has deter-mined that toxaphene concentrations in soil that exceed 60 pg/kg can pose a threat to underlying groundwater.

  Reference to the normative ethical theories

Part 2 is a new piece of work that should not include material from Part 1. As before, it is a written analysis of a complex ethical problem similar to that which you might encounter in the IT industry.

  Create a table named faculty to store facultyid

1. Create a table named Faculty to store FacultyID( Primary key), FirstName, LastName, Email, Dateof birth and number of courses taught to date. You should select the appropriate data types andconstraints for the table.

  What is identity theft

1. What is identity theft? 2. Explain three methods used to steal your identity. 3. List five different steps you should take to protect your identity.

  Determine the curvature term that arises from the noise

Assume that π(v) is a smooth function of the noise v in the model of Fig. 9.6. Using a Taylor expansion of the distortion measure of Eq. (9.19), determine the curvature term that arises from the noise model π(v)

  Can she claim that her school is different

Can she claim that her school is different? Explain

  Enter the decimal value of the binary number

computer generates a random sequence of 0s and 1s creating a binary number. In each round, the computer adds one more bit to the previous sequence, only displaying the added bit.

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