Benefits and burdens that pertain to the parties affected

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131802866

Question: An English teacher in a two-year technical college has several students in his composition course whose ignorance of the English language has proved invincible. He has them extra work and extra counseling from the first week of the semester. they have been diligent in their efforts to improve. Though they are in a construction technology program and will undoubtedly be employed in jobs that require little writing skill, the composition course is required for graduation. In the instructor's judgement, the students would not be able to pass the course legitimately if they took it three times, so he raises their F grades to Ds. Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved and discuss the case with respect to the principle of utility, taking care to identify the benefits and burdens that pertain to the parties affected.

Reference no: EM131802866

Questions Cloud

Create strategic plan for your selected global organization : Create a strategic plan for your selected global organization and present it using a presentation. You must include information from the outcome of the SWOT.
Make all appropriate journal entries related to investment : Prepare all appropriate journal entries related to the investment during 2011. Indicate the erffect of this investment on 2011 income before taxes
Differences between nonprofit and for-profit governing board : Describe the similarities and differences between a nonprofit and for-profit governing board.
Discuss about the organizational and lifelong learning : Provide an introductory summary of the six topics listed below and discuss any careers in psychology specifically related to at least one of them.
Benefits and burdens that pertain to the parties affected : An English teacher in a two-year technical college has several students in his composition course whose ignorance of the English language has proved invincible.
Prepare the journal entry to record the change in principle : The Trump Companies Inc. has ownership interests in several public companies. Prepare the journal entry to record the change in principle
Earliest memory of watching a television commercial : Advertising affects us all. What is your earliest memory of watching a television commercial?
Explain different types of business financing : Why do entrepreneurs need to put their personal finances forward into the business first?
Prepare the appropriate journal entries from the purchase : Required: Prepare the appropriate journal entries from the purchase through the end of the year


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