BE268 International Business and Strategy Assignment

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Reference no: EM133106365 , Length: word count:2000

BE268 International Business and Strategy - University of Essex

Essay - Internationalisation path of L'Oréal

Learning Outcome 1: Obtain a critical understanding of international business and strategy and theoretical approaches in this domain;

Learning Outcome 2: Critically assess and analyse global market opportunities for expansion of firms;

Learning Outcome 3: Understanding and critique different modes/forms of international expansion;

Learning Outcome 4: Obtain a critical understanding of how processes of internationalisation apply to SMEs and international new ventures;

Learning Outcome 5: Obtain a critical understanding of strategy and organisation in the international firms;

Learning Outcome 6: Obtain critical understanding of global sourcing;

Learning Outcome 7: Critically assess and analyse opportunities for expansion in emerging and transition economies.

Critically examine:

a. L'Oréal's international growth and its motivations

In this answer students are expected to define internationalisation as a process and to show critical understanding of company's growth motivation; students are expected to support their discussion with reference to the relevant theoretical frameworks (Uppsala framework/ OLI paradigm) and up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.

b. L'Oréal's pattern of growth in term of mode of entry and geographical entrance.

In this answer students are expected to examine key milestones of international growth and brand acquisition, critically analyse company's geographical presence and its change over time; students are expected to support their discussion with evidence from the relevant journal articles, up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.

c. L'Oréal's value chain activities. Can you observe any changes in their value chain configuration in the last decade?

In this answer students are expected to critically examine changes in company's primary and secondary value chain activities over the last decade; students are expected to support their discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.

d. Advantages of the current internationalisation strategy adopted by the company.

In this answer students are expected to examine company's current internationalisation strategy, the importance of global-local balance and universalisation; examine the advantages of such strategy and support your discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.

2. Can you think of any potential threats L'Oréal may face in the future? How might they respond to such threats?

In this answer students are expected to examine potential threats the company might face in the future. These could be related to, but not exclusive, to supply chain disruption, competitive pressures or ongoing pandemic pressures. Students are expected to propose a potential response to identified threats and to support their discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.

3. Evidence of the evaluation of the literature and data sources.

This should be presented as one-paragraph reflection (before the Conclusions section) on the use of the source of evidence in the essay. Students are expected to reflect on the quality of the evidence and examples used.

Attachment:- International Business and Strategy.rar

Reference no: EM133106365

Questions Cloud

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What amount should be charged to retained earnings : The non-current asset was distributed on March 31, 2021 when its fair value was P2,925,000. What amount should be charged to retained earnings
BE268 International Business and Strategy Assignment : BE268 International Business and Strategy Assignment Help and Solution, University of Essex - Assessment Writing Service
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Should the franchisers be held liable as joint employers : The flawed software led to employees being paid at rates below the legal minimum wage, Should the franchisers be held liable as joint employers
What was the asset turnover rate for last quarter : The CEO has asked you to analyze the saw blades division to determine asset turnover for last quarter. What was the asset turnover rate for last quarter
Determine the amount of dividends paid : On December 31, the company's retained earnings had a balance of $4,803,000. Determine the amount of dividends paid during 2019


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