Authentic personal statements

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Reference no: EM132693665

Ph.D. candidates should provide authentic personal statements to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interests. 

1. Provide a brief introduction focusing on your education, career, and decision to apply to University of the Cumberlands.

2. In relation to your doctoral program application, what area of recent research in the field would you want to study, and why?

3. How does your current vocation relate to your application to the doctoral program?

4. How will your experiences and personal skills help you to be successful in your program?

5. What long-term goals do you have for applying your learning from your doctoral program?

Reference no: EM132693665

Questions Cloud

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Authentic personal statements : Ph.D. candidates should provide authentic personal statements to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interests.
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Differences between school climate and school culture : Explain the similarities and differences between a school's climate and a school's culture.
Describe the homework assignment and learning activity : Describe the homework assignment/learning activity, and how the assignment/learning activity engages the family and community
Where is the software really developed and by whom : Where is the software really developed and by whom? How many are involved in the development of Adobe and what threat might that pose to end users?


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