Assignment career self-marketing development assignment

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM131502143

Medicaid and Medicare Policy

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Assignment Career Self-Marketing Development Assignment

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For this assignment, you should first complete the following tasks:

  • Initiate a focused job search using industry key words
  • In the CSU-Global Career Center, use Optimal Resume to complete two specific activities: the résumé builder and interview preparation
  • Conduct a practice interview either on your own (using flashcards with prepared questions), with the help of a friend/family member, or with a professional in your field

Then develop a well-written paper that includes the following:

  • The results of your job search
  • A summary of what you learned in building a résumé
  • An assessment of your experience in a practice interview, including what you learned that you can apply to a real-life interview

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 2-3 pages in length not including a title or references page
  • Be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Reference no: EM131502143

Questions Cloud

New management team for a long-term care : You have each been promoted as part of a new management team for a long-term care facility. During the past two months
What is the basis on which the companies compete and price : What is the basis on which the companies compete? Price? Product differentiation? Other? Explain. Are they exactly the same, similar, very different? Explain.
Monitoring the triple constraints of project : What 'integrated monitoring system' do you find most effective in monitoring the triple constraints of your project?
Explain the receptor systems involved : Explain the receptor systems involved and the central nervous system structures effects with regard to this question.
Assignment career self-marketing development assignment : In the CSU-Global Career Center, use Optimal Resume to complete two specific activities: the résumé builder and interview preparation
Explain dead weight loss and consumer and producer surplus : Explain dead weight loss, elasticity and Consumer and Producer Surplus. What will the world be if robots took our jobs?
Produce a comprehensive business plan for a client : The requirement to produce a comprehensive business plan for a client is designed to focus on and build your Documented primary and secondary research of work flows
Define the problem in the scenario that you have chosen : Define the problem in the scenario that you have chosen.Analyze the problem in the scenario.Generate options for solving the problem in the scenario.
Considerable freedom in choosing a topic : You have considerable freedom in choosing a topic, with the exception of the topic must apply directly to this class.


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Physics Questions & Answers

  Calculate the kinetic energy of the eurasian plate

Using the equation for kinetic energy Ek=1/2mv^2 (where m is mass and v is speed) calculate the kinetic energy of the Eurasian plate, give the final answer to the nearest order of magnitude.

  What is the frequency heard by a person

What is the frequency heard by a person driving 79.17 km/h toward a blowing factory whistle (f = 506.77 Hz) is the air temperature is 21.5 oC

  Calculate the exact angles the light travels at

A beam of light enters a cube of flint glass (n = 1.65) at a 24 degree angle from the normal. Calculate the exact angles the light travels at

  Find the longest possible wavelength for the traveling waves

A string with a length of 0.7 m is fixed at both ends. What is the longest possible wavelength for the traveling waves that can interfere to form a standing wave on this string

  What is the clock rate in gigahertz

1. Machine A can perform 3 tasks in 5 seconds. Machine B can perform 2 tasks in 4 seconds. Which machine can perform a task faster? How much faster is this machine than the other? 2. Suppose the clock period is 400 picoseconds. What is the clock ..

  Find the magnitude and direction of the third force

A force of magnitude 100N is directed N, and a second force of 200N 30 degrees East of North. Find the magnitude and direction of the third force that when added to the first two force gives a resultant where magnitude is zero.

  What is the mass of the ion

In a mass spectrometer, a singly charged ion having a particular velocity is selected by using a magnetic field of 0.1 T perpendicular to an electric field of 8.00 102 V/m. What is the mass of the ion

  What fraction of the balls initial kinetic energy is stored

A ball of mass 0.60 kg is fired with velocity 200 m/s into the barrel of a spring gun of mass 2.0 kg initially at rest on a frictionless surface. What fraction of the ball's initial kinetic energy is stored in the spring

  Explain what is the correct banking angle of the road

If the string is 9.50 m long, has a mass of 55g and is pulled taut with a tension of 9.5 N, how much time does it take for a wave to travel from one end of the string to other.

  Find the distance between the insect and the magnifyingglass

An entomologist examining an insect adjusts the position of hermagnifying glass so that the image of the insect is at her nearpoint, what is the approximate distance between the insect and the magnifyingglass

  Calculate the power delivered to the earth from cosmic rays

The average flux of primary cosmic rays over earth's surface is approximately 1 cm-2 s-1 and their average kinetic energy is 3 GeV. Calculate the power delivered to the earth from cosmic rays in giga watts. (Earth's radius = 6,400 km)

  If the tank was full before the accident what was the total

on the afternoon of december 5 1939 an unusually warm day in boston a 28.4-m-high28.4 -m-diameter cylindrical metal

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