Assessment - research report and presentation

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Reference no: EM132518902 , Length: word count:5000

ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems - Federation University

Assessment Tasks - Research Report and Presentation

This assessment task has been designed to help you deepen your understanding of ERP/Enterprise Systems. It comprises of both team and individual components:

(a) Form a team of between 2 - 3 members. Minimum 2 members; Maximum 3 members

(b) Meet virtually as a team, and select ONE of the below-mentioned research topic.
• Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Business Transformation
• Enterprise/ERP Systems integration with organisational systems, such as Cyber-physical Systems and SCADA Systems.
• Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Process Automation
• A comparison of Enterprise/ERP Systems' Vendors and Products
• Enterprise/ERP Systems' integration with Internet of Things (IoT)

(c) Based on the selected topic, each member of the team is expected to select, and summarise (in 500 - 700 words) four peer-reviewed articles. - this summary should be included as an appendix in the team report.

(d) As a team, write a report of about 3000 words based on the selected topic. The report must include at least one case study/example to reflect the topic of discussion. All selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming the team report. (10 Marks)

(e) The team report should include a summary of a short case study that highlights an aspect of the topic selected. The report will be submitted through Turnitin.

(f) Prepare a 10 minutes overview of the findings documented in your Team Report. (Presentations should be recorded and submitted in Week 11). Team presentations can be recorded using any application of choice e.g Skype/Microsoft Teams.

Attachment:- Enterprise Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132518902

Questions Cloud

Describe the advantages of having cio in organization : Advantages of having CIO in organization. Disadvantages of having CIO. 200 words without references. The response must be typed.
How might litigation impact public opinion of public figure : Write a paper that explains the special considerations you would take when writing about a public figure to avoid libel. How litigation impact public opinion
Disciplinary action appropriate for employees involved : How would you determine the disciplinary action appropriate for the employees involved in this scenario? Your response should include your reasoning.
What role does a persons environment have on creativity : Csikszentmihalyi describes a relationship between creativity and the struggle against problems and obstacles. Do you agree? Why/Why not?
Assessment - research report and presentation : Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Business Transformation and A comparison of Enterprise/ERP Systems' Vendors and Products
Discuss about experimental method or a correlational method : If you were to conduct a research study, you would have to choose between an Experimental Method or a Correlational Method. Explain the difference between the.
Purpose of performance appraisals : What is the purpose of performance appraisals within an organization? Do you think performance appraisals are effective?
Explain between primary and secondary research : Compare the first five hits delivered by each search engine. Do any sites appear in the top five hits of more than one search engine?
Business and society : Find a current event, within the last 1-2 years, that involved a crisis or scandal. What would you have done the same and what would you have done differently?


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