Assess common health care leadership issues

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Reference no: EM132445993

Question: Topic: Services and Practice Management

Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page

Select a real or hypothetical health care organization, and address the following:

• Identify the market sector your organization falls into (mass market or niche services). How does the population health approach to health care rather than the curative approach affect service delivery and management in your organization?

• Assess common health care leadership issues (e.g., organizational climate, teamwork, coaching, and so on) and their impact on stakeholders.

• Discuss the ethical and legal issues that may be found in the health care organization of your choice.

• Provide at least 3 suggestions to minimize negative outcomes and maximize the positive outcomes of leadership intervention in areas such as staffing, financing, competition, regulations, and public image.

Reference no: EM132445993

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