Aspect of e-collaboration or knowledge management

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132865303


Find one or more current articles (last six months) describing on aspect of e-collaboration or knowledge management . Summarize the article(s) andprovide your own perspective, and then browse through the other student posts to learn about other related technologies/uses.

Reference no: EM132865303

Questions Cloud

Understanding of culturally responsive teaching : Information regarding the influence of families on children's school success. A general understanding of culturally responsive teaching
Does source represent any patterns with other primary source : Does this source represent any patterns with other primary sources? How might this source confirm or contradict issues raised in other primary sources?
What specific historical circumstances was source created : Under what specific historical circumstances was this source created? What larger historical events, processes, or structures might have influenced this text?
What is the author place in society : Who is the intended audience for this source? How might the intended audience shape the perspective of this source? Why do you think the author created source?
Aspect of e-collaboration or knowledge management : Find one or more current articles (last six months) describing on aspect of e-collaboration or knowledge management
Development in various modes of transportation : The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail).
What principles and philosophes have changed : Are the philosophies that you fought for/advocated for decades ago still represented today, in 1796? What principles and philosophes have changed?
What could have avoided ethical violation : Better city funding could have avoided this issue. If cities would have protected their inhabitants better then these food deserts wouldn't be overrun
Early childhood education and care service : What strategies are used for intentional teaching in an Early Childhood Education and Care service?


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