Articles of clothing the prisoners had to wear

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133281526


Video: The Stanford prison experiment

1. The prisoner outfits were designed to make them feel insignificant and without power. Which of the following is NOT one of the articles of clothing the prisoners had to wear?

  1. stocking caps to hide their hair
  2. striped prison tops and bottoms
  3. a chain around their ankle
  4. rubber shower shoes

2. The guard's outfits were designed to make them feel like powerful authorities. Which of the following was NOT one of their articles of clothing?

  • reflective sunglasses so the prisoners could not see their eyes
  • whistles for crowd control
  • a billy club
  • tasers

3. At the beginning, the prisoners tried to "stir things up" by doing all of the following EXCEPT __.

  • barricading themselves in their cells
  • shouting at, cursing, and taunting the guards
  • spraying the guards with fire extinguishers
  • tearing off their stocking caps and numbers

4. All of the following were punishing activities used by the guards EXCEPT __.

  • hitting the prisoners with their billy clubs
  • making prisoners do pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks
  • making prisoners keep stinking toilet buckets in their cells at night
  • throwing the prisoners in "the hole" for disobeying

5. Which of the following was NOT used to manipulate the parents in their visit to the prison?

  • the prison was cleaned and prisoners groomed
  • the parents were treated without inconveniences and given extra dessert
  • the parents were greeted by a receptionist
  • music was piped in over the intercom system

Short Answer Questions (worth up to 5 points each):

  • Describe what happened to "Prisoner 819" and "Prisoner 416" in this experiment.
  • How does the film address the issues of: loss of control, power, group roles, and distorted thinking? Give examples to back up your answer.
  • What were the benefits and costs of this study? In your opinion, did the benefits outweigh the costs? Explain.

Reference no: EM133281526

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