Are hr metrics and workforce analytics truly necessary

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131598384

Question: "Are HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics Truly Necessary?" Please respond to the following:

The answer to the discussion title is a resounding yes! But why? Data is extremely powerful, especially in our day and time when large quantities of data can be readily available at finger tips anytime and anywhere. Data helps organizations make critical decisions, and this is especially true for HR. With strong metrics and workforce analytics, HR can help an organization chart a strategic direction. Please watch this video "The Power of HR Metrics: Growth, Performance, Sustainment" (3 min 35 s) on the importance of metrics, located at Based on the video and your readings this week, please respond to the following question:

• What factors have led to an increased interest in HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics in recent times? Give three (3) examples of how an organization can justify the cost of an HRIS investment.

Must be at least one page in length and no plagiarism!!!

Reference no: EM131598384

Questions Cloud

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Are hr metrics and workforce analytics truly necessary : The answer to the discussion title is a resounding yes! But why? Data is extremely powerful, especially in our day and time when large quantities of data.
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