Analyze the situation according to the ethical principles

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Reference no: EM132397361

Question: Discuss and analyze the situation according to the ethical principles that you have learned in this chapters

Chapter 4: Ethics in Public and Community Health Nursing Practice

Chapter 5: Cultural Influences in Nursing in Community Health

Chapter 28: Nursing Practice at the Local, State, and National Levels in Public Health,

How would the use of a different priority of ethical principles affect possible outcomes?

1. A high school student with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) wishes to attend class.

2. A student has confided to a school worker that her father is sexually abusing her. She does not want her mother, who is a teacher at the school, to know and does not want the nurse or the counselor or principal to discuss this with anyone.

Reference no: EM132397361

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the situation according to the ethical principles : Discuss and analyze the situation according to the ethical principles that you have learned in this chapters. Chapter 4: Ethics in Public and Community Health.
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Describe the nursing theory and its core concepts : Discuss in detail A NURSING theory and its core concepts and/or components. Use a secondary source like your textbook or scholarly article that details.


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