Reference no: EM132081755
El Celler de Can Roca has been amongst the top 10 restaurants in the World's 50 Best Restaurants during the past 10 years, and in the top 3 of this list for the last 8 years. It has become a referent of the Catalan cuisine nationally and internationally. Apart from its home restaurant El Celler de Can Roca, located in Girona, they have also created the ice cream shops of Rocambolesc, who started in Girona in 2012.
You are being asked to analyze the marketing strategy of this brand. To complete this task, you will analyze the following aspects:
- External Diagnosis: Analyze any element that will affect the activity of the companies that operate in this market. Conclude identifying the main threats and opportunities.
- Environment analysis (Spain)
- Food Service Market & Competition in Spain (what they do, brands, marketing strategies)
- Analysis of consumers (who are they, characteristics, motivations, needs)
- The Company: Analyze the company behind these two brands.
- Who are they? What do they do?
- Values of the company
- Evolution of the company - timeline
- Competitive advantage and positioning
- Marketing Strategies:Analyze the marketing strategies for each of the brands ruled by the Roca brothers: El Celler de Can Roca and Rocambolesc
- Brand Identity: Value Proposition, Positioning
- Target Market
- Retail Design: how their stores/restaurants showcase the brand, identify the different elements
- Product Concept and Portfolio
- Promotion Strategies
- Pricing Strategies (in comparison to competition)
- Distribution/Placement Strategies
- Final Remarks:As a conclusion, add a page in the end of the document reflection on how this two brands can coexist within the business and how do you see each of them moving forward.
Remember this assignment should not be presented as a list of findings, it should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the company and the brands that are being operated as well as a deep level of analysis and diagnosis of the information gathered.
The report should include a front page and a list of contents, as well as all the references used quoted adequately in text and at the end of the document (APA or MLA format). These pages won't be counted in the total amount of pages required for the assignment.
Your written report should count between 10 (min.) and 15 (max.) pages. A hard and digital copy (word format) should be handed in. The format is as follows:
- Calibri, 11 points, 1.15 spaced
- Printed Double-sided
- Due Date: 20 August (latest 23.59h)
- The printed copy should be turned in at TBS (Trafalgar building) and the digital copy should be sentto [email protected]
- Upload it on C@mpus, Pedagogical Space
The reports will go through anti-plagiarism software. If any plagiarism is identified, the student will sit a disciplinary hearing and will bear the consequences of what is legally considered as theft.
The students who commit plagiarism will be awarded the grade 0 on the assignment.