Analysis of private-government funded

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132434929

Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state. You must analyze internal or external factors that could negatively affect or assist the organization with accomplishing their goals. Please begin the assignment by reviewing this week's classroom lecture notes and locating a nearby hospital. After discovering a suitable hospital, you should research the social media accounts, accreditation reports, newspaper articles, or Joint Commission updates.

Reference no: EM132434929

Questions Cloud

Explain the three general rules for analyzing medical terms : Explain the three general rules for analyzing medical terms. Give one example of a medical term for each rule
Describe the normal pathophysiology of gastric acid : Describe the normal pathophysiology of gastric acid stimulation and production. Explain changes that occur to gastric acid stimulation and production with GERD
What is the problem at chocolate emporium : What is the problem at Chocolate Emporium? Make a table of the things which John Lewis did right and what he did wrong in starting Chocolate Emporium.
Tico has the right ownership form of business : You have been hired to help Lee in developing his business in the future. Do you think that Tico has the right ownership form of business?
Analysis of private-government funded : Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state
Experience and social psychology theory : For this Discussion, you will draw on your own experience and social psychology theory to examine responses to prejudiced comments.
Public health needs of community : Think about secondary data sources you might use for researching public health needs. Think about what you perceive to be public health needs of community.
Beset with wide variety of difficult situations : Problems often come in bunches. As the HR Director of a large health system, you are beset with a wide variety of difficult situations.
Research the inclusion and implementation of new plan : Research the inclusion and implementation of a new plan such as capitation and its effects on a company. Does it improve the organization?


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