Allow people to register for an account

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131559836


If you use an external source (i.e. a web-page, the required textbook, or an additional book) to help you answer the questions, be sure to cite that source. You should probably always be citing a source.


Having just learned about sessions and simple authentication, we are ready to add these features to our Q&A forum from Lab 1. In this lab, you will allow people to register for an account. Users have the following attributes:

First name

Last name

Email address

Password (kept in plain text for now)

Furthermore, all questions should now be associated with a registered user. In other words, you will need to add a column to your questions table that is the primary key of the user.

Basic Requirements:

Add a login screen

Add a user registration screen

When a user is logged in, the header should welcome the user and have link to the home page, the user profile, and a log out button.

When no user is logged in, the header should merely have a link to the home page, a link to register, and a link to log in.

Without logging in, users should be able to view questions and other users' profiles.

When logged in, users should be able to create, edit, and delete their own questions (but not others' questions), and edit and delete their profile.

No duplicate email addresses should be permitted.

All sessions should be over HTTPS.

Attachment:- lab.rar

Reference no: EM131559836

Questions Cloud

Develop and explain a strategic measurement scorecard : Develop and explain a strategic measurement "scorecard" that incorporates the financial measures applied in this course.
Why are there organizations that are successful : If Open Systems Theory is good for the organization, why are there organizations that are successful yet do not use Open Systems Theory?
Discuss the effect of batericide on bateria : EFFECT OF A BACTERICIDE ON BACTERIA In the following figure, f(t) gives the population P1 of a certain bacteria culture at time t after a portion.
What just the minimum selling price : if the holder wishes to obtain a 12% rate of return, what just the minimum selling price?
Allow people to register for an account : Having just learned about sessions and simple authentication, we are ready to add these features to our Q&A forum from Lab.
Explain how contingency decision-making framework can be use : Explain how contingency decision-making framework can be used to recommend the best organizational structural response to environmental uncertainty.
Expected value of a prize in the game : The probability of winning a $ 50 prize is 40%, and the probability of winning a prize of $ 100 is 60%. What is the expected value of a prize in the game?
What can you say about the positions of the cars : The position of car A and car B, starting out side by side and traveling along a straight road, is given by s = f(t) and s = g(t), respectively.
Explain the significance of values-based leadership : Discuss the significance of values-based leadership to the culture of an organization. How is the leader essential in communicating organizational values?


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  How architectural and protocol changes occur

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