Advantages and disadvantages of apprenticeship program

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM1321991

Use the Department of Labour's website and find the area on Registered Apprenticeship. Explore the "For Employers" section. Based on the information found here, create an apprenticeship proposal for a position in the company you work for, or wish to work for. Make sure to include in your apprenticeship specific skills the apprentice will be learning, the modelling and practice techniques that will be used, and the feedback process that will be incorporated (both informal and formal). Explain how many hours per week the apprentice will work, and how long the entire apprenticeship should take. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your apprenticeship program.

Use Microsoft Word to create your proposal. The proposal should be between two to three pages in length and, all sources used need to be cited according to APA format

Additional Requirements 

Min Pages: 3 
Max Pages: 4

Reference no: EM1321991

Questions Cloud

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