Administration and supervision in criminal justice

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Reference no: EM132632820

Chapter 4

1. Identify which criminal justices in your locality and state are elected.

2. Distinguish between first-order and second-order policy-making.

3. Discuss some of the traits that you consider to be very important in a criminal justice leader.

4. Discuss the skills you feel that a criminal justice leader should possess.

5. Identify four distinct managerial styles and compare them in terms of concern for subordinates and concern for maintaining control.

6. Compare and contrast scientific management and human relations approaches to leadership and management.

7. Discuss various models of contingency or situational management and leadership.

8. Identify incentives that can be used in criminal justice management.

Required Textbook: Managing Criminal Justice Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, by Richard R.E. Kania and Richards P. Davis.

Reference no: EM132632820

Questions Cloud

Identify the intellectual sources of the ideas : Identify the three intellectual sources of the ideas on which American public service stands.
What is her taxable income considering this capital loss : Shannon, a single taxpayer, has a long-term capital loss of $7,000 on the sale of bonds in 2019. What is her taxable income considering this capital loss
What is her gain or loss for tax purposes : Due to a decrease in real estate prices, she sells the house for only $280,000 in 2019. What is her gain or loss for tax purposes
What is Jayne gain or loss : Jayne purchased General Motors stock 6 years ago for $20,000. In the current year, she sells the stock for $35,000. What is Jayne's gain or loss
Administration and supervision in criminal justice : Distinguish between first-order and second-order policy-making. Discuss the skills you feel that a criminal justice leader should possess.
What are some disadvantages of mail surveys : What are some disadvantages of mail surveys? Discuss ways of eliminating them. What are some techniques for improving response rates in surveys?
What is Arthur standard deduction : Arthur is 65 years old and single. He supports his father, who is 90 years old, blind, and has no income. What is Arthur's standard deduction
Determined to implement restorative justice model : You are determined to implement a restorative justice model in order to effect positive changes in public safety and quality of life.
Find the amount of the combined child tax credit : They also provide all the support for Howie's 82-year-old mother, who lives in a nursing home nearby. Find the amount of the combined child tax credit


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