Adding iki solution to the test tubes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131995015

Enzymes play a key role in the digestion of food. They work to chemically decompose large molecules into smaller molecules that the body can readily use. This process begins in the mouth, where amylase in saliva catalyses the reaction of turning starches into simple sugars. In the following experiment, you will use your own saliva to monitor the effect of enzymes on a saltine cracker. As you may know, IKI solution is an indicator that turns dark black-purple in the presence of starch. This will be used to determine to efficacy of the enzyme on the substrate.

Why is it necessary to wait 10 minutes before adding IKI solution to the test tubes?

Reference no: EM131995015

Questions Cloud

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Adding iki solution to the test tubes : Why is it necessary to wait 10 minutes before adding IKI solution to the test tubes?
Analyze each in terms of its effect on the outcome : Indicate other choices he could or should have made. Discuss the implications of this case study that you have learned from your research.
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