Absolute prerequisite to the admissibility of scientific

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131667156

The U. S. Supreme Court asserted that "general acceptance," or the Frye standard, is not an absolute prerequisite to the admissibility of scientific evidence under the Federal Rules of Evidence. (Gatekeeper).

Reference no: EM131667156

Questions Cloud

A fishbone diagram would be used to : A fishbone diagram would be used to:
Compare the time required to perform successful searches : Compare the time required to perform successful searches and insertions in a separate chaining table with load factor 1 and a quadratic probing table.
National ballistics information network : A national ballistics information network which allows firearms analysts to acquire, digitize, and compare markings made by a firearm on bullets and cartridge.
Differences between marketing process and advertising : Provide a definition of marketing from the American Marketing Association. Discuss the differences between the marketing process and advertising,
Absolute prerequisite to the admissibility of scientific : The U. S. Supreme Court asserted that "general acceptance," or the Frye standard, is not an absolute prerequisite to the admissibility of scientific evidence.
Most rewarding part of the job : After learning about some of the duties of a forensic investigator, what do you think would be the most rewarding part of the job?
Conduct interviews with witnesses : What personal attributes and interpersonal skills may be required for this type of work? Explain.
Write a program that reads a legal basic program : Write a program that reads a legal BASIC program and renumbers the statements so that the first starts at number F and each statement has a number D higher.
During the era of communism in eastern europe : During the era of communism in eastern Europe, Bulgarian dissident and exile Georgi Markov regularly broadcast into his former homeland


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