About their current level of job satisfaction

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132713988

Identify and interview five employed people about their current level of job satisfaction. Identify the top three factors that impact their responses (e.g., poor pay, fair working conditions, or finding meaning in work).

Choose an appropriate way to gather this information, developing interview questions based on how job satisfaction is defined and described, and/or existing measures of it. You should create a written set of four or more interview questions per person which you should include as an attachment to your discussion post. Please provide the answers to each interview questions.

You should include the following sections:

Methods: briefly describe how you developed the survey and interviewed participants.

Results: describe the answers, alongside the characteristics of the interviewees.

Discussion of the Results: analyze the responses, draw conclusions, relate this back to the course material.

Reference no: EM132713988

Questions Cloud

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Appropriate reorder point quantity : A newspaper publisher uses roughly 860 feet of baling wire each day to secure bundles of newspapers while they are being distributed to carriers.
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What is a glass ceiling : What is a glass ceiling? What are two explanations for the existence of a glass ceiling?
About their current level of job satisfaction : Identify and interview five employed people about their current level of job satisfaction.
Introducing the definition of mathematical model : Each student is to select a Real-life case study of a Maximization Product-mix Linear Program problem existed in any industrial or service organization.
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Value of sustem of intercultural personal advice : Explain the value of a sustem of intercultural personal advice (coaching) for the adaptation of employees in international assignments.
Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations : Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.


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