About the stereotypes

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Reference no: EM132516420

Stereotypes, as we have come to understand, are assumptions that some individuals have about certain groups. Stereotypes can span across race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, and many other areas. In this discussion, we will explore one group that is often stereotyped and victimized by "othering."

Please watch the "Disability" video. This video explores the many ways we can celebrate and correct the misperceptions concerning disability.

In your initial post, please address the following:

Describe an experience you had that involved someone with a disability. This can be yourself or someone else. How did others respond to the person with the disability?

How could a video like this change that response?

What do you think is the hardest part of responding to a person with a disability as a person rather than as a disability?

What one step would you recommend to others to avoid othering those with disabilities?

Did this video change your core understanding of disability?

In your view, which created the biggest impact--the words that were spoken or the images the viewer saw? Defend your choice.

How did this video change your core understanding of stereotype?

Reference no: EM132516420

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