About legal issue involving yourself

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Reference no: EM132398216

You will write about a legal issue involving yourself, or someone you know, or a legal issue that you know about although you don't know the persons involved. If none of these apply, then make up a fictional legal issue.

Regarding this issue, you should state what the issue(s) is (are), how it (they) should be resolved, and the authorities for your opinion as to how it (they) should be resolved.

If the issue or issues have been resolved, please write about whether the matter was resolved correctly and, if in your opinion it was not resolved correctly, how it should have been resolved.

The paper should be 4 - 5 pages, word-processed, double-spaced, with one inch margins and no more than 12 point font. Use several authorities and cite to these as you write the paper.

The paper is due on November 5 before class starts. A student who demonstrates the proper amount of effort will receive 5 points added to the average of the four tests.

Reference no: EM132398216

Questions Cloud

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Forms of individual inadequacy : Is there a reason to think that the excessive instinct to power in some individuals is compensation for other forms of individual inadequacy?
Negotiated unreasonable agreements : If unions have negotiated unreasonable agreements, what responsibility does management or the administration bear for agreeing to these terms?
Write the r-code to extract various nutritional values : Write the R-code to extract various nutritional values from different food varieties in the given nutrition XML document. If someone ate all the food items.
About legal issue involving yourself : You will write about a legal issue involving yourself, or someone you know, or a legal issue that you know about although you don't know the persons involved
How should you act as a role model for implementing change : As a leader, how should you overcome your own resistance to a change in the workplace? How should you act as a role model for implementing change?
What are the key performance indicators : What are the Key Performance indicators (KPI) that helps Coca Cola measure its marketing success?
New operational and financial constraints : What can a food service director do to help reduce the stress and anxiety of the food service managers in each school as they attempt to cope


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